Saturday, 6 December 2014

@WAR - Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Awards 2014

Warwickshire Police Neighbourhood Watch Awards 2014

Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is actively engaged in raising the profile of the Neighbourhood Watch movement throughout Warwickshire. 

Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is a mature, self-governing, democratic voluntary organisation that aims to support and assist individual Neighbourhood Watch Schemes through their respective district and area associations and represent them at County and Regional level.

The Executive Committee, supported by the Warwickshire Police & Crime Commissioner and Warwickshire Police , are pleased to have this opportunity to identify and reward the hard work and dedication exhibited by so many members of Schemes and our partners throughout the County. The awards will recognise those volunteers who contribute towards making Warwickshire a safer place in which to live and work.

Closing date 31st January 2015


1. Chief Constable’s Street or Area Scheme Award
For a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme that has signifi
cantly made their area a safer place in which to live 

2. Chief Constable’s Individual Award
To identify and reward an individual member who has
demonstrated thought, initiative and dedication to
wards solving local problems of crime or anti-social

3. Chief Constable’s Partnership Award
Open to any person or organisation that has demon
strated outstanding efforts to establish and / or main
tain co-operation and understanding between
Neighbourhood Watch and other organisations or
agencies to the benefit of the local or county-wide

4. Chief Constable’s Award for Young People
To reward a young person or group of young people
who have made a significant contribution to reducing
crime or the fear of crime in their area. (Open to
schools, youth groups or individuals under 18 years

5. Chief Constable’s Lifetime Achiever’s Award
For the individual who has dedicated many years of
his or her life to voluntary work to reduce crime and
the fear of crime in the community 

6. Chief Constables Watch Premier Award
This award will be presented to the overall winner
from the above category winners


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