Monday, 22 December 2014

@NAT - Latest from Crime Reduction Partnership News 18DEC14

14 December 2014
Christmas shopping! In fact shopping all year round!
Each Christmas police forces up and down the country will issue seasonal crime prevention messages about the risks associated with shopping in very busy places. They do it for 'good reason in the season,' because the High Streets are rammed and the opportunities for pickpocketing and snatch theft are at their highest. I know what you're thinking....isn't there anything he can't write an advice list about? No! When I was in the police, each year I'd find myself on duty in London's West End helping the local police keep the shoppers safe and it was a nightmare. Read more here

8 December 2014
'Funny' things told to a Crime Prevention Officer
Back in the day when the Metropolitan police operated an articulated crime prevention display lorry, I would book the thing for a few days during the Ealing festival or maybe for a Neighbourhood Watch event and invite people to come on board to view the various displays and ask their crime prevention questions. Sometimes the questions and stories were quite funny and here's a selection I collected over the years.....and they're all true! Read more here

6 December 2014
The new anti-social behaviour rules explained: Part 10 Sharing good practice
You will now, over this series, have read about the different tools and powers that are available under the new Act and they will have come into force. What is very clear is that the tools are very flexible in order to allow practitioners to respond positively to anti-social behaviour experienced by individuals and communities. Read more here

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