Friday, 19 December 2014

@NAT - National Neighbourhood Watch - December Newsletter

It’s Christmas Crime
Our primary security sponsor, Avocet Hardware, offer advice on how to ensure your home stays safe and secure this winter. They also give members an opportunity to win a free ABS lock upgrade. Find out more here.
NHWN AGM Results
Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network (England and Wales) held its charity Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19th November 2014. Existing Trustees stood down in line with the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network constitution, enabling authorised voting Members to vote from a pool of nominations for new Trustees. Read more here.
Staying warm this winter
To help remove any concerns or confusion about the best ways to keep warm this winter, has worked with charity Friends of the Elderly to compile a guide to all things energy, featuring some helpful tips to manage your energy usage. You can read more and download the guide here.
Warning issued as telephone scams grow
Almost six in ten people surveyed said they have received a suspect call, a sharp increase from four in ten in a similar study carried out last summer. To arm consumers with the information they need to spot these scam calls, the UK banks, building societies and card companies have launched a ‘Joint Declaration’, backed by Chief Police Officers from across the country. The declaration clearly sets out all the requests that the bank or police will never make, but a fraudster might. Read more here.
NHWN National Collaborative Stakeholder Event
It is time to write our 5-year Business Plan for 2015-20, and while we are keen to continue growing our membership, we know that our overall strategic approach needs reviewing. On the 19th November, we hosted a National event in London and invited our key partners and stakeholders. You can download a summary of the event here.
Our festive security tips
With Christmas and New Year just around the corner, you are probably in the process of buying presents and stocking up on supplies for the festive season. However, at this time of year rich pickings can be found. Read our top festive security tips here.
Give your older neighbour reason to be cheerful this Christmas
With the countdown to Christmas well underway, many people are busy baking, choosing decorations, buying presents and making plans to ensure the big day goes with a bang. For others though, the build-up and day itself highlights their own isolation and fills them with dread. Community Christmas is a portal where you can search for events and activities taking place on Christmas Day. Find out more here.

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