Friday, 5 December 2014

@WAR - Beware of Purse Thieves whilst you are out shopping, following incidents in Leamington & Kenilworth

Please remain vigilant for any persons acting in a suspicious manner and never let your handbag out of your sight, this includes holding it behind you back or leaving it on your trolley while shopping.

The suspects, who are very good at what they do, will use simple distraction techniques and work in pairs, to "dip" into your handbag in order to steal your purse.

The suspects from the latest purse thefts have been described as eastern European females, middle aged and dressed in dark clothing.

We typically see a rise in the number of purse thefts in the town centre during the busy festive shopping period and this year is no exception.

It seems that elderly members of the public in particular are being targeted, with offenders taking advantage of the crowded shopping centres to steal from vulnerable people.

At this time of year, were often less vigilant and tend to carry more money, so I'd urge everyone to be mindful of their surroundings and report any suspicious behaviour to police.

PS From Neighbourhood Watch

Your NW Coordinator should be able to obtain purse bells to help combat this type of crime which will act as an alarm and constantly remind you of the need to be careful.

We also have reports of youths snatching handbags from vulnerable targets in Banbury so please be vigilant and look out for others if you are in a position to do so. 

Take a few sensible precautions and you won't end up funding a stranger's Christmas.

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