Monday, 22 December 2014

@NAT - Latest from Crime Reduction Partnership News 04DEC14

23 November 2014
The new anti-social behaviour rules explained: Part 9 Community Remedy
In the ninth part of our series, we will look at the Community Remedy which provides an opportunity for victims to have a say in the out-of-court punishment of perpetrators for low level crime and anti-social behaviour. The Community Remedy document, to be published by the Police and Crime Commissioner, will set out the actions that will be used. They will include a punitive, restorative and rehabilitative element. It will be used when a perpetrator admits to the offence or to the count of anti-social behaviour and the officer believes that, whilst the evidence is sufficient for court proceedings such as a Civil Injunction or to impose a caution, a Community Remedy would be more appropriate. Read more here

21 November 2014
"Closure of police counters reflects changing world"
There have been 27 closures of police counters across the West Midlands following a year-long analysis which showed that there was little public demand for them. The closures, set to take place over the next 12 months, will save £3m. Ten front office counters in the region will remain open, nine from 8am to 10pm and one for 24 hours a day. Read more here

19 November 2014
Scotland's drink-drive limit set to become stricter
Members of the Scottish Parliament have approved of a lower drink-drive limit to come into force in December. The move comes after Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill announced the plans to lower the limit in October. The alcohol limit will change from 80mg in every 100ml of blood (England's current limit) to 50mg in every 100ml of blood. Read more here

11 November 2014
Memorial plaque thief has been jailed
A 72 year-old man, Joseph Collier, has been jailed for stealing scrap metal from cemeteries around the south-east London area. Police raided Collier's Scrap Metal Yard in Croydon in May 2012 after a tip-off from Croydon Trading Standards officers. They found several bags and boxes containing hundreds of memorial plaques that had been stolen and cut up. Some were marked with SmartWater - a liquid that has a unique forensic 'code' that allows police to trace their origin. Read more here

8 November 2014
Cybercrime is a serious problem in Britain
Online crimes have become commonplace in Britain today. New research, produced to coincide with Get Safe Online Week, shows that crimes committed online have become an increasingly serious problem.The data showed that over a half of the 2,075 people surveyed had been a victim of cybercrime, including internet-based fraud, ID theft, hacking and online abuse. Read more here

8 November 2014
The new anti-social behaviour rules explained: Part 8 Community Triggers
In the eighth part of our series we are looking at the Community Trigger which allows victims to ask for a review of their anti-social behaviour (ASB) case. For the purpose of the Community Trigger, ASB is deemed to be that which causes 'harassment, alarm or distress'. It is intended as a mechanism to bring agencies together to problem solve and effectively find a solution to the problem. It is not intended to replace a Complaints Procedure for complaining about an individual or agency. Read more here

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