Wellesbourne Safer
Neighbourhood Team Report 24
This report from the Wellesbourne
Safer Neighbourhood Team covers the wards of Snitterfield, Wellesbourne,
Kineton and Burton Dassett.
The following incidents, for the
period between 16.05.15 to 25.05.15, have been reported and the team are
appealing for witnesses:
Snitterfield Ward
No incidents to report
Wellesbourne Ward
Wellesbourne Market
17.05.15/108 – Vehicle crime
Forced entry was made to the rear of
a Citroen van and a Barbour jacket was stolen
Wellesbourne – Elliott Drive
18.05.15/197 – Suspicious
Report of a male delivering leaflets
in the area who is looking though living room windows. Police attended and engaged
with the male.
Wellesbourne – Co-Op
18.05.15/072 – Fraud
Two males purchased goods, each
using £50 notes which were later found to be counterfeit. CCTV images are being
examined by the police.
19.05.15/077 – Theft
A male paid for his shopping and then
stole a bottle of sherry from the store. He was detained by staff. The police
attended and found that his vehicle was not taxed and this was detained for
Wellesbourne – Loxley Close
21.05.15/401 – Anti-social
Reports of teenage youths hiding in
bushes and then running out in front of vehicles. Police attended and spoke to
some youths.
21.05.15/446 – Suspicious
There were reports of youths acting
suspiciously, around 10pm, at the rear of the store. Police attended and
checked the premises.
Kineton Ward
Lighthorne Motor Company – Banbury Road
17.05.15/042 – Burglary
Entry was gained to the workshop by
smashing perplex skylights. CCTV cameras were moved. It was also reported that
CCTV wiring in an external cabinet has been ripped out. Access was also gained
to the main office by forcing windows and an untidy search was made. The only
items reported missing at the time were a small blue 12v refrigerator and a
packet of biscuits.
No incidents to report
Suspicious Incidents or Circumstances
The team would like to express their
appreciation for your reports of suspicious activities in the neighbourhood. If
you wish to report anything, such as rogue traders, please telephone 101 to ensure that the incident is logged.
The SNT telephone or email box is
not monitored 24/7 and therefore there may be a delay in the response or
notification via this messaging system.
If you have any general concerns,
questions or suggestions for the Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team please
call this number: 01789 444600, or
email: wellesbourne.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
C7678 Barry Saunders
Police Support Volunteer
Warwickshire Police
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