Recent Incidents from Southam SNT
Inc 39 – 29/04/15 A KTM Motorcross
bike was stolen from a secure garage in Southam.
Inc 342 – 03/05/15 A bench and
kissing gate were stolen from the grounds of St James Church in Southam.
Incidents 68, 205 – 18/05/15 and
inc 334 – 17/05/15 relate to a theft of
catalytic converter’s stolen from a Ford Galaxy and two Mercedes
sprinter vans on Kineton Road Industrial Estate.
Inc 98 – 22/04/15, three wooden
plant pots were stolen from outside a property in Avon Dassett.
Inc 201 – 08/05/15 A Gold Range
Rover was stolen from a lay-by in Marston Doles on Friday 8th May.
Inc 89 – 08/05/15 a spray paint
was used to damage the bridge and storage container in the park in Green End,
Long Itchington.
Inc 102 – 02/05/15 an outbuilding
at Bridge Nursery was entered stolen within was weed killer and a number of
bags of compost.
Inc 222 – 02/05/15 A farm building
was broken into in Napton, a blue Alien V4 teenager quad bike was stolen, the
handles have blue polka dots, also stolen was a disc cutter, a Stihl disc
cutter and a waker plate.
Incident’s 168 – 02/05/15 &
174 – 06/05/15 refers to a burglary attempt at an empty property in Hambridge
Rd Bishops Itchington.
Inc 181 – 21/04/15 refers to theft
of an electric shepherd energiser fence unit and battery from Bullring Farm Road ,
Incident’s 68 – 08/05/15 & 95
– 17/05/15 refer to theft of a Nickson Industrial pressure washer, from a farm
on the Fosse Way
near Chesterton. Offender/s have returned to the farm and stolen a white
Citroen Berlingo van partial vrm OY52 *** an Ifor Williams trailer and a Suzuki
quad bike with crop sprayer.
Inc 256 – 12/05/15 A handbag was
stolen from a secure unattended motor vehicle parked at Ufton Fields nature
reserve. Offenders gained entry by breaking the window.
If you have any information
regarding the above incidents please contact 101 quoting the incident number.
Incident 125 – 01/05/15 refers to
a burglary at the Post office in Bishops Itchington where cigarettes, alcohol
and scratch cards were stolen. The offender was apprehended by officers and
dealt with by the court.
Be Cyber Smart
This phase of #Be Cyber Smart focuses on phishing, malware, passwords, antivirus and the importance of shredding documents containing personal details.
More details are available by visiting or or see the below for a quick way of remembering some top tips:
S Shred documents containing personal details before throwing them away.
M Make sure passwords are nonsensical. Use letters, numbers and symbols.
A Always use legitimate and up-to-date antivirus software.
R Remain vigilant. Think before you input or email your personal details.
T Think Phishing. Could that email be from a fraudster trying to get hold of your personal details?
For further information about staying safe online go to and
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