Wellesbourne Safer
Neighbourhood Team Report 20 – 22.04.15
This report from the Wellesbourne
Safer Neighbourhood Team covers the wards of Snitterfield, Wellesbourne,
Kineton and Burton Dassett.
The following incidents, for the
period between 15.04.15 to 22.04.15, have been reported and the team are
appealing for witnesses:
Wellesbourne – Elliott Drive
Suspicious Circumstances –
Inner panel of front window
double-glazed unit damaged – hole 6”x5”. No items stolen or evidence of entry
to house. Informant was out of house for about 10 minutes and left side door
Wellesbourne –
Sports and Community Centre
Anti-social behaviour – 20.04.15/294
Reports of vehicles revving engines
and concern they will start racing through village. The SNT are continuing to
make patrols in the area.
Walton – Walton
Damage – 20.04.15/128
Paint has been sprayed to the walls
and outdoor surfaces of this isolated holiday cottage. SNT have visited and
discussed the incident.
Radway – Tysoe Road
Burglary – 22.04.15/102
An antique oak table, with two
shallow drawers, has been stolen from this church which is normally unlocked.
Southam – Farm
Burglary – 15.04.15/381
Padlock sawn off door and a sensor
light smashed, but entry was not gained to this outbuilding.
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- • prepared to voice your opinions?
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- • able to identify and raise issues on policing matters?
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If you are interested and want more information, please
call Jo-An Golding on 01926 415141 or email jo-an.golding@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
Suspicious Incidents or Circumstances
The team would like to express their
appreciation for your reports of suspicious activities in the neighbourhood. If
you wish to report anything, such as rogue traders, then this is best done by
telephoning 101 so that the
incident is logged.
The SNT telephone or email box is
not monitored 24/7 and therefore there may be a delay in the response or
notification via this messaging system.
If you have any general concerns, questions or suggestions
for the Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team please call this number: 01789 444600, or by email to: wellesbourne.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
C7678 Barry Saunders
Police Support Volunteer
Warwickshire Police
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