Thursday, 23 April 2015

@WAR - Superfast Broadband Roadshow 18th May - 8th July

Upcoming events – we’re coming to a location near you!
Over the next few months we will be coming to each of the Districts with our spring/summer roadshow. We’ll be explaining where we are with the project, showing the latest maps, and answering all of your questions.
All are welcome to attend, and if you can’t make the date that is in your area then you are welcome to attend one of the others (although some information will be tailored to the location for each event).
Booking couldn’t be more straightforward, simply go to our Eventbrite page, select your chosen event and complete registration form.
Why should you book? Because it will help us to understand where attendees are from, and will enable us to keep you posted with event updates.
Go to our Eventbrite page to book:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Monday 18th May               6:30-9pm           Rugby Borough Council CV21 2RR
Wednesday 27th May        6:30-9pm           Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council CV11 5AA
Monday 15th June              6:30-9pm           Shire Hall, Warwick CV34 4RL
Wednesday 18th June     6:30-9pm           Stratford District Council CV37 6HX
Wednesday 8th July           6:30-9pm           North Warwickshire Borough Council CV9 1DE
Go to our Eventbrite page to book:
Thank you for all your hard work and support!
Kind regards, 

Joanna Smith 

CSW Communications Assistant

CSW Broadband
Warwickshire County Council
Tel:  01926742026 
CSW Broadband project - bringing faster broadband to your area

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