Wednesday, 25 March 2015

@WAR - Latest Scams from Trading Standards

19/03/2015 Bogus ‘British Gas’ callers warning to businesses

By Simon Cripwell on Mar 19, 2015 12:52 pm

Warwickshire businesses are warned to beware of bogus calls from fraudsters falsely claiming to represent British Gas.
The fraudsters often claim to be the electricity suppliers of the business being called (in the hope that they have phoned a business that is supplied by British Gas) and then ask for confidential information. They may refer to themselves as 'British Gas Renewals' and use false names and false UK addresses. For example, one caller claimed to be located on '10 Street Manchester!' The calls appear to actually come from foreign call centres.
NEVER provide personal, financial or confidential information to a cold caller or agree to a contract or service. British Gas have confirmed that the callers are not affiliated to them.

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19/03/2015 ‘Cut and shut’ stairlift leads to prosecutions

By Simon Cripwell on Mar 19, 2015 12:31 pm

A company that claimed to sell new Stannah stair lifts to elderly Warwickshire residents actually sold them lifts which were made up of second hand parts, and in some cases were unsafe. Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service brought the successful prosecution after receiving complaints from Warwickshire consumers.

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