Friday, 13 March 2015

@WAR - Highway Robbery, it's happening today!

Motorway bandits con Good Samaritans

  • By Arthur Martin
GANGS of Eastern Europeans are ambushing motorists on motorways and conning money out of them.
The fraudsters, wearing suits and appearing distressed, flag down their victims and claim to have run out of fuel and cash.
Sometimes they claim a relative has died and they desperately need money to get home quickly. The con­men even offer gold rings as surety – but these are worthless fakes.

This practice is not confined to motorways.  A local resident has reported such an incident that occurred to him en- route to Morton Morrell but fortunately he was not taken in.

The advice is to ignore attempts to wave you down and report the incident to the police 101 as soon as possible.

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