Tuesday, 14 October 2014

@SOU - Farm Watch Incidents - Priors Marston, Avon Dassett and Stockton

Dear Farm Watch Member
Three - Four males where seen on various farms today in the Priors Marston area claiming to be looking for a lost Lurcher. Members of the public reported that they suspected they were the same males that were in the area 6-8 weeks ago when a Land Rover was stolen  from Priors Hardwick. The vehicle they were in was a Silver Peugeot Hatchback OY51 *%*.
Please ensure you report any suspicious incidents to the Police on 101 and do not leave your vehicle's insecure.
Inc 388 - 27/09/2014 refers to an incident where 6 lorry batteries were stolen from a farm in Avon Dassett. Unknown offenders have entered the farm and disconnected the batteries from the electric fencing.
Inc 61 - 28/09/2014 refers to a unit being broken into on a farm near Stockton. At approximately 03.45hrs unknown offenders have used an off road vehicle to gain access to the farm across the fields from the main road. Once inside the unit various Snap On tools were stolen. On the same night near to the farm there was an attempt break into a container, offenders were not able to gain access.
If you have any information regarding the above please do contact Southam SNT on 01926 684984 or 101
Kind regards and thank you
Katrina on behalf of
Southam Farm watch
Telephone 01926 684984
Email SouthamFarmWatch@Warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
Voicemail 14984

Please access our website www.safer-neighbourhoods.co.uk for the latest news in the Stratford District and also Southam SNT newsletters. In a non emergency or to report a crime dial 101

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