Tuesday, 14 October 2014

@NAT - Late Evening/Overnight rural crime

 There have been a number of recent offences, that have featured both plant theft and safe breaks in South Worcestershire and Gloucestershire areas. Previously, there has been a spate of offences involving dragging safes out of premises using ropes and chains. 

Safe offences have involved farm shops/nurseries, whereas the theft offences have involved cutting of padlocks from workshop/farm premises doors.
A suspicious vehicle has been which is a blue Subaru Forester estate.
Please if you see this vehicle or any persons acting suspicious on your premise, obtain the vehicle registration (if possible) and call 101 or if it is an emergency 999 do not engage with the occupants.
May I also remind you at this time to ensure your property is secure, do not leave keys in vehicles and secure your agricultural vehicle or plant equipment in a locked barn with a substantial padlock or door lock, take a photograph of your equipment and mark it with the plant serial number. If you do require crime prevention please contact Southam SNT on 01926 684984.
Kind regards
PCSO 6099 Katrina Taylor
Telephone 01926 684984
Mobile 07919 887674
Voicemail 16099
Email katrina.taylor@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk

Please access our website www.safer-neighbourhoods.co.uk for the latest news in the Stratford District and also Southam SNT newsletters. In a non emergency or to report a crime dial 101

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