Tuesday, 14 October 2014

@SOU - Can you help

Incident 168 - 06/10/2014  - Burglary dwelling Banbury Road, Southam - Between 10.30hrs - 13.00hrs offenders broke into a property in Banbury Road and stole money. Did you see or hear anything?
Incident 59 - 06/10/2014 - Between Saturday 4th October at 17.00hrs and Monday 6th October 2014 at 09.00hrs offenders broke into offices situated on Brickyard Road Napton and stole power tools.
Please contact Warwickshire Police if you saw anything suspicious quoting the incident number on 101.
Kind regards and Thank you
PCSO 6099 Katrina Taylor
Telephone 01926 684984
Mobile 07919 887674
Voicemail 16099
Email katrina.taylor@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk

Please access our website www.safer-neighbourhoods.co.uk for the latest news in the Stratford District and also Southam SNT newsletters. In a non emergency or to report a crime dial 101

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