Monday, 12 November 2018

@WAR - Recent Criminal Activity - Number Plate Thefts

We have recently experienced a number of thefts of vehicle number plates. This type of theft is a common crime.

Criminal will often use stolen vehicle number plates (also known as VRM's - Vehicle Registration Mark plates) and then attach them to their own or even previously stolen vehicles in order to help them commit additional crimes and evade identification and capture by the police.

Please consider replacing your number plate screws with “clutch head” screws which will prevent criminals from unscrewing your number plates and stealing them. If your vehicle does not utilise screws in order to fasten the VRM plate to your vehicle you may be more likely to become the victim of this type of crime as these types of VRM's are often only secured by double sided sticky tabs and can be removed relatively easily. In these instances please consider seeking suitable technical assistance from a professional in order to find an alternative method of securing your registration plates to your vehicle. 

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