With the onset of colder weather, darker nights and mornings comes the need to defrost motor vehicles when there has been a frost. Please DO NOT defrost your vehicle by starting the vehicle and then leaving it unattended and running.
Warwickshire Police are advising all motorists that in the event of defrosting a motor vehicle that if the driver/owner leaves the vehicle unattended whilst it's running, there is a serious risk of the vehicle being stolen.
In addition, in many cases where motor vehicles have been left unattended and running to defrost, the vehicle insurance company WILL NOT pay out for the vehicle theft and/or any associated loss.
Motorists need to check weather forecasts and allow adequate time to defrost their motor vehicle, and that BEFORE driving on the public highway, the windscreen and side windows should be fully clear of frost to ensure adequate visibility is available for the driver.
Motorists are reminded that it is an offence to drive a motor vehicle on the public highway with inadequate visibility.
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