Monday, 29 October 2018

@WAR - National Crime Survey visits to Warwickshire residents by market researchers KANTAR

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) have written to Warwickshire Police to advise that they are in the process of beginning to knock on doors in Warwickshire to ask people about their experiences of crime (whether reported to police or not).

This year they are using an independent market research company called KANTAR.
The ONS are aware that in the past, residents who have received visits have been concerned and have contacted the police to ask if this visitor is genuine, and have given Warwickshire Police advance warning of the survey.

Warwickshire Police are now making our residents aware that they may be contacted by a KANTAR market researcher to take part in the survey.

Each market researcher will carry an ID card but if you are still in doubt, KANTAR can be contacted on:

08000510882 (Office hours)

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