Monday, 15 October 2018

@WAR - Home Security Tips

Home Security Tips

Home security is the best way to reduce your chances of being burgled. A lot of burglaries are spur of the moment, as a burglar may see an open opportunity and take their chance.

Some things you may wish to consider if you are installing new doors and windows are to get ones that are certified to British Standard BS 7950 (windows) or PAS 24-1 (doors). Window locks, especially on older windows will help stop people getting in.

Remember to securely lock all doors and windows before leaving the house. It is easy to forget when you are in hurry, but it’s the simplest way for a burglar to enter your home.

Never leave your keys anywhere near the front door, including your letterbox; burglars know where to look. A home that looks empty is far more likely to be targeted by a burglar, so it’s worth making sure your home looks occupied. Use automatic timer-switches to turn on a light
and perhaps a radio when it goes dark, even if you are just out for a couple of hours.

If you’ are going to be away for longer periods of time, cancel any newspaper or milk deliveries.

Remember that visibly and permanently marking your belongings helps you and the police to identify them if they are stolen. It can also make it difficult for the thief to dispose of the property.

Fit padlocks and additional hardware to shed and garage doors and ask a trusted neighbour or relative for help. Ask them if they could clear the post away from the door mat and open and close the curtains whilst you are away.

Prevent easy access to the back and sides of your home by installing locked gates, 2 metre minimum fencing or walls are recommended. Trellis topping also makes climbing very difficult.

Security lighting can be used to make offenders feel vulnerable and observed. It is suggested that you use dusk to dawn lighting. Visible burglar alarms are also a deterrent, there are many to choose from. 

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