This is
the seventh of our weekly reports and prompt to see if you have any
concerns, questions or suggestions for the Stratford Town Safer
Neighbourhood Team. I will usually send updates out on a weekly basis.
Please expect next week’s newsletter on Saturday
17th or Sunday 18th Jan. Stratford Town covers the areas of Stratford West (Shottery, Old Town, Mount Pleasant), Stratford
East (Maybird, Clopton, Welcome Hills), Town Centre, Stratford South West (Bridgetown), Tiddington and Alveston.
Please feel free to distribute, and send requests for additions to the mailing list.
Incidents to note this week (Thursday 1st - Friday 9th
- Suspicious Circumstances. Lodge Road. Two suspicious males in alleyway near cashpoint, may have been aware of informant getting cash out. 23.40pm 5th Jan.
- Suspicious Circumstances. Avenue Road. Male intruder in garden, ran away when confronted. May have been trying to enter property. Described as slim, over 6 foot, wearing grey hooded jacket. 1.35 am 4th Jan.
- Vehicle Crime. Trevelyan Crescent. Front and rear number plates stolen. Between 2pm – 4pm 8th Jan.
- Theft Other. Bridge Street. Mobile phone taken from coat pocket hanging up on peg in pub-restaurant. Between 6.30pm – 11.30pm 19th Dec.
- Violence. Bridge Street. Car sped up to crossing, beeping horn, and almost hit informant and family crossing road. Informant tapped window of car and driver got out, punched informant in the face four times before speeding off. 1pm 5th Jan.
- Theft Other. Library – Henley Street. Rear light and bracket stolen from bicycle secured outside library. Between 9 – 9.15am 8th Jan.
- Theft Other. Windsor Court. Secured black and blue Carrera Hellcat mountain bicycle stolen. Between 10.30pm 8th – 11am 9th Jan.
- Vehicle Crime. Wordsworth Avenue. Handbag stolen from boot of stationary car whilst driver was in car. 12pm-12.05 2nd Jan.
No incidents of interest to report.
No incidents of interest to report.
Again, there have been multiple reports of fraudulent calls
received, where caller has asked for card or bank details. Please remain
aware that your bank will never ask for details over phone or email,
and before giving details to any merchant over the
phone, be sure you can trust them.
We are now recruiting for the second intake of Warwickshire
Police Cadets. Recruitment will take place until 23/02/2015. I have
attached a poster and a description of the Cadet role – please pass the
message along to anyone you think may be interested
in this fantastic opportunity.
Please do also have a look around the following website:
This is a great source to keep up to date with happenings in other
areas of Warwickshire and has brilliant advice on how to keep safe and
If you have any
questions or further information regarding these offences, please
contact the Team direct or use the 101 non-emergency number.
7677 Melanie Ward
Stratford upon Avon
01789 444500
Twitter - @StratfordCops
Facebook - Warwickshire Police
Website -
We are increasing the number of volunteers who work with us to support officers and staff in protecting people from harm.
Please visit for more force news and information.
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