SW SA Message for Teachers and Parents - vehicle crime around Southam and Stockton & Napton Schools
Please be aware that we have seen and
increase in cars been broken into whilst they are left unattended by
parents collecting their children from schools in the Napton and Southam
areas of South Warwickshire. The targets for the thieves have been
purses and handbags left on display either in the passenger foot-well or
on the passenger seat. The method of entry has been to smash the
passenger window.
Warwickshire police Crime Prevention Design Advisor Ian King states “ It is important that you always remove your valuables from your car even if you are only leaving it for a very short period, especially if the vehicle is going to be out of your sight. If you must leave items in the car put them out sight by locking them in the boot. I would also ask that you be aware of any suspicious activity in the area where cars are parked. If you see anything suspicious report if both to the school and to the police on telephone number 101”
Warwickshire police Crime Prevention Design Advisor Ian King states “ It is important that you always remove your valuables from your car even if you are only leaving it for a very short period, especially if the vehicle is going to be out of your sight. If you must leave items in the car put them out sight by locking them in the boot. I would also ask that you be aware of any suspicious activity in the area where cars are parked. If you see anything suspicious report if both to the school and to the police on telephone number 101”
Teachers - Please could you include this information in any School Newsletters?
NHW Recipients - Please could you pass on to anyone you know who
has children attending schools in Southam and the surrounding area.
Many thanks
Julie Dale
Warwickshire Police
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