Sunday, 11 May 2014

@NAT - May is Scams Awareness Month!

According to the Trading Standards Institute, only five per cent of scams are reported.  This is because so many people feel shame or embarrassment at being caught out.  We don't want people to suffer in silence.  We want you to help us encourage your neighbours, relatives and friends to report scams or attempted scams to or 0300 123 2040.

You can download useful anti-scam resources from, a charity protecting elderly and vulnerable people from scams.  For a small charge of £2 to cover postage and packing you can also order hard copies of A4/A5 posters from them - contact for more information.

This week the campaign is focusing on online scams.  For information about staying safe online, we recommend you visit or  Both of those sites have lots of useful information.

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