Friday, 7 March 2014

@WEL- Rural Crime update 5th march 2014

There has been an attempted burglary at a house in Hales close SNITTERFIELD between 0800 - 1700 on Tuesday 4th March 2014.
Entry was not gained but the door handle at the rear of the property was damaged. Incident number 263 refers.

6 - 8 car batteries  have been stolen from a garage in Warwick road WELLESBOURNE at about 1700hrs on Tuesday 4th March 2014. The 3 white male suspects left in a white Ford Transit van. Cctv footage is to be collected in an attempt to identify the offenders.
Incident number 256 refers.

Note: White van drivers with a legitimate purpose will usually drive straight to an address.  Those who are up to no-good will cruise around looking for an opportunity to steal.
Always report ‘cruisers’ to 101.

If you have any information about these or any other crimes please inform warwickshire police on 101.


Martin Sanford
PCSO 6060
Wellesbourne safer neighbourhood team
Stratford on Avon police station
Rother Street
CV37 6RD

Tel 01789 444600

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