Sunday, 16 March 2014

@SOU - Burglary outbuilding, Priors Marston

Farmwatch Message

A stable block situated on the Shuckburgh Road, Priors Marston was broken into sometime between 10th March 11hrs - 11th March 10.15hrs. Unknown offender/s have jemmied of the padlock and gained entry to three stables. A Stihl chainsaw, Stihl Strimmer, 2 axes, a fork, spade, 2 can's of fuel and a flight case (the same pictured) containing numerous tools were stolen.
If you have any information regarding the above crime please call 101 quoting incident number 87-11/03/2014.
I appreciate this is a really busy time of year for farmers lambing, if you see anything suspicious particulary during the night (when I suspect the crimes are happening), please could I ask you to call 101 if its not an emergency giving as much detail as possible and preferably any vehicle registration numbers.
Thank you
PCSO 6099 Katrina Taylor
Telephone 01926 684984
Mobile 07919 887674
Voicemail 16099

Please access our website for the latest news in the Stratford District and also Southam SNT newsletters. In a non emergency or to report a crime dial 101

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