Monday, 20 January 2014

@NAT - Be 'Cyber Streetwise'!

Subject: Be 'Cyber Streetwise'!

This is a message sent via The Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales). This information has been sent on behalf of Neighbourhood 
and Home Watch Network
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Catherine Dunn (NHWN, Administrator, England & Wales)

Are you savvy online? Perhaps not as streetwise online as you would like to be or think you are?

The National Fraud Agency is launching a new campaign today (13th January), Cyber Streetwise, to help give us all some essential tips 

to improve our performance online and help keep important stuff safe.  You can read more about the campaign at

We are supporting the campaign to help get us all be a bit more streetwise online.  Believe it or not most of the population are not doing 

enough to protect themselves!  This is a medium/long term campaign so you can help by raising awareness of the website and the key tips below to your members at a time convenient to you.

Adopting a few simple online behaviours can help keep you and your family safer, such as:

  1. Using strong, memorable passwords.
  2. Installing anti-virus software on new devices.
  3. Checking privacy settings on social media.
  4. Shopping safely online – always ensuring to check online retail sites are secure.
  5. Downloading software and the application of patches when prompted.

Do have a look at the website,

If you use social media, they also have an account on Twitter at and on Facebook at

Best wishes,

Catherine Dunn
NHWN (Campaigns, Events & Database Manager)

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