During these unprecedented times, with people at home for the majority of time, public events cancelled and pubs, many shops and restaurants closed, it appears, from crimes reported to the police, that crime is changing during this period. National Neighbourhood Watch is keen to understand from our Neighbourhood Watch groups whether these changes in reported crime are borne out by people’s experience at street level, in particular, whether there are any other crimes that people feel have come to the fore during this time – that may not be reflected in the police reports - and whether the changes the police data indicates are reflected in how people are currently feeling about crime in their local area.
Neighbourhood Watch has been asked to canvass the views of residents about what is currently happening with crime locally and how residents are feeling about crime, to give the National Neighbourhood Watch a more rounded picture of what is happening at a very local level. This is a helpful opportunity for the movement to show the value of NW in a co-ordinated way. We have been asked to collate and report on these issues in order that this picture is kept up to date and early changes in people’s experience of crime or worry about it can be understood.
Neighbourhood Watch has been asked to canvass the views of residents about what is currently happening with crime locally and how residents are feeling about crime, to give the National Neighbourhood Watch a more rounded picture of what is happening at a very local level. This is a helpful opportunity for the movement to show the value of NW in a co-ordinated way. We have been asked to collate and report on these issues in order that this picture is kept up to date and early changes in people’s experience of crime or worry about it can be understood.
Please click the link here to access the survey 63k2j4JvfUyG43rP9
The survey uses a secure form which collects no personal data. Responses will be collected by the Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch Association and passed through to the National Neighbourhood Watch for collation, before feeding back to the Home Office.
Thank you and stay safe
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