Sunday, 10 November 2019

@NAT - Travelling abroad? - Precautions to minimise possible misfortune

Prepare for the worst

Before you go Check whether your insurance covers theft as well as injury, and know your excess and what documentation you need for claims. Keep receipts for currency exchange and cash withdrawals. Save digital copies of your passport, other ID and visa on a device or in an email.

While away Keep an emergency credit card, cash and a photocopy of your passport in your hotel safe. Don’t have wallets or purses in back pockets, and avoid bumbags. Some thieves pose as police, so always ask to see ID.

After an incident Report thefts to police immediately, in person or by calling the local emergency number. See Ask for a copy (digital and paper) of the report — you’ll need this for your insurance claim. If your passport is stolen, contact or visit the embassy or British consulate. They can issue you with an emergency travel document within two working days for £100, which is covered by most basic insurance policies. Contact your bank to cancel your cards. If you need cash, a friend in the UK can transfer money via Western Union or Moneygram; you can collect it within 15 minutes at most banks and many shops, although you will need ID. For more information, see

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