Thursday, 1 August 2019

@NAT - Last chance to reclaim PPI. FREE services available below

In the words of 80s band Europe, it's The Final Countdown (de, de, de, de... de, de, de, de, de). For years we've shouted and screamed from the highest metaphorical rooftops to urge you to reclaim cash wrongly taken from you in arguably the biggest systemic scam of recent times. This was carried out not by backstreet robbers, but by men and women in suits at banks and other financial firms who mis-sold and overcharged for payment protection insurance for decades. But the end is nearly upon us.
So if you've had a loan, credit card, mortgage, overdraft, catalogue debt or car finance over the past 30+ years, check NOW if you're owed via our  Free PPI reclaim tool and guide - and do it well before the upcoming deadline.
To spur you on, a jaw-dropping £36 billion has been paid since 2011 to millions of people - but hundreds of millions is still to be repaid. We typically hear of successes in the £1,000s, though the biggest we've seen was the mammoth £175,000 that Swindon couple Jane and Bob got last year.
Jane said: "We didn't apply originally, but we then read all the MSE info and tried. The banks made it hard but we kept going, and this money gives us the peace of mind to look forward to retirement debt-free."
Hurry. Don't wait till the 29 Aug deadline
The reclaiming window slams shut at 11.59pm on 29 Aug, and other than truly exceptional cases, that's it. But don't wait till the last min as there's a risk technology could fail, lines could jam or the postie could lose your letter. Plusthe earlier you claim, the quicker the result - important as the expected surge could delay claims processing.
You can also make the initial claim through

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