Friday, 12 July 2019

@WAR - Warning to residents following several burglaries

Police issue a warning to residents following several burglaries

Police issue warning following burglaries 
Police have issued a warning after there were several burglaries in the county in recent days where people entered properties through insecure windows.
Police are offering the following advice:
•Ensure all your windows and doors are locked when you go out and go to bed – don’t forget, burglars can squeeze through small windows.
•Don’t leave windows or doors open on the ground floor when you’re elsewhere in the house – it only takes a few seconds for a burglar to get in and out.
•Keep valuable items, including car keys, away from open windows.
•Don’t leave your car keys on display in the house – put them in a drawer.
•Set your alarm when you are out and when you go to bed.
Further information on crime prevention can be found on the Safe In Warwickshire website.

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