Thursday, 6 September 2018

@WAR - Search for heroes of policing and community safety

Warwickshire County Council
Safe in Warwickshire

04-09-2018 08:37 AM BST

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has launched a quest to find the individual or team which has made an outstanding contribution to policing or community safety. This will be the second year that the PCC Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety will be presented, following its launch during Warwickshire Police’s 160th anniversary celebrations and awards evening last November. Nominations are now being sought for this year’s award, which will be presented again at the Chief Constable’s Commendations Ceremony in Leamington Spa in November. Nominees can be either individuals or those working as part of a team within Warwickshire who have demonstrated sustained outstanding achievement over and above what is expected of them in their normal day-to-day role. Their actions must have contributed to a reduction in crime or disorder or helped bring about improvements in community safety in support of the priorities of the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan for Warwickshire, making a real difference under challenging circumstances. Officers, police staff, volunteers, members of the Special Constabulary or people from the wider community in Warwickshire are eligible for the award.

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