Tuesday, 7 November 2017

@SOA - FENNY COMPTON NW Monthly Newsletter for Compton Chronicle


Southam/Feldon Community Forum - The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th December, venue to be confirmed. www.warwickshire.gov.uk/southamforum Everyone is welcome to come along and it is YOUR chance to find out what is really going on in YOUR community. An informal “drop-in” surgery is always held for the half hour before the forum where you can speak to officers from your local Safer Neighbourhood Team, Councillors and Officers from Warwickshire County and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils to raise specific concerns or problems.

House/car burglaries have increased markedly in the last 12 months. For advice on prevention visit the "We don't buy crime" page and links on the Warwickshire Police website - https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/we-dont-buy-crime For help and advice on property marking contact your coordinator. Often homes are burgled primarily for the keys to the car on the drive so don't leave them in a convenient place like the hall table. Some of the latest locking systems on prestige cars can be compromised very quickly; a mechanical lock like a Krooklok or lockable post on the drive provide a visible deterrent. 

Cybersafe - Online safety for parents and children twitter.com/NCCcybersafe 

National NW Newsletter - Convicted burglars tell all, Know your rides, Stop elder abuse and much more bit.do/201710NNWN

Please share your scam/crime experiences with your neighbours - email watch@fcvh.org.uk. Read this and much more in The Stratford District NW Blog which is regularly updated. stratfordnw.blogspot.co.uk 

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