By Simon Cripwell on Dec 03, 2015 12:18 pm
data cycle -- showing how one person's personal data can be used,
passed on and re-used in ways that people may not expect. Gives advice
about what to do to reduce nuisance calls.
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By Simon Cripwell on Dec 03, 2015 12:13 pm
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By Simon Cripwell on Dec 03, 2015 11:21 am
businesses are warned to beware of mandate fraud. Mandate Fraud is also
known as Creditor Fraud, Payment Diversion Fraud and Supplier Account
Takeover Fraud.
fraud involves the changing of account details for supplier or customer
accounts in order to gain control of an account and benefit from
unauthorised payments. This could include changing of bank details in a
direct debit, manipulation of credit card activity, or changing of an
employee’s bank account details for their salary, particularly when a
bonus is due.
bank accounts is an unusual occurrence and therefore any request to
update records should be treated with suspicion. Changes should be
authorised at a senior level.
rely on the Payee (Company) name not being checked by the Banks. In
most cases, only the Sort Code and Account Number are checked by the
receiving bank.
Additionally, company details, including signatures on published accounts, are copied from the internet.
companies and organisations are urged to ensure that they have robust
authorisation and monitoring procedures in place for the creation and
changing of bank details and monitoring of payments.
This also applies when providing account details in order to set up new payments or amend them.
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By Simon Cripwell on Dec 03, 2015 09:52 am
than 17,000 self-balancing scooters – or ‘hoverboards’– have been
examined at national entry points since 15 October due to safety
concerns. Of these, over 15,000 (or 88%) have been assessed as unsafe
and have been detained at the border. Officers at UK ports and borders
have seen a huge spike in the number of these items arriving in recent
weeks, destined to end up as gifts under the tree this Christmas. More information
Advice to consumers and businesses:
- Never
leave the device charging unattended – especially overnight: a faulty
cut-off switch (designed to stop the battery from continuing to charge
once fully charged) or a plug without a fuse, as seen in many products
detained so far, could lead to the device overheating, exploding or
catching fire.
- Check
the device: things to look out for include the shape of the plug – the
first unsafe products identified often had a clover-shaped plug. Also
check the device for markings or traceable information, such as the name
and contact details of the manufacturer and / or importer.
- If buying online, look closely at the website before you hit the ‘buy’ button:
- Try searching for reviews of the product or the seller – do these seem genuine?
- Are there lots of spelling or grammar mistakes on the site? This can be a clue that a business is not professionally run.
- See if you can find out where the company’s head office is based – and whether that fits with how the website presents itself.
- Do
they have a landline number you can call if there are any problems?
Bear in mind that if the company is based abroad, it can be more
difficult to get a complaint dealt with or return a faulty product.
- Read the small print – notice if anything seems odd, repetitive or in incorrect English.
- Is
there an ‘s’ at the end of the ‘http’ part of the web address, or is
there a padlock symbol in the task bar? This means the website is using
an encrypted system that keeps your details more secure.
- Don’t
be dazzled by a bargain: Are the prices incredibly low? If they look
too good to be true, they probably are – particularly if some of your
other checks have put doubts in your mind.
- Be
aware that criminals exploit high demand: When items like
self-balancing scooters start to sell out at well-known retailers, the
void is quickly filled by crooks churning out poor quality imitations
that can put people in danger. Don’t ‘panic buy’ from the first website
you find – do your usual common-sense checks.
- Report
it: National Trading Standards needs your help to clamp down on unsafe
products from abroad. If you believe that any online or face-to-face
seller is selling potentially dangerous goods, or something you’ve
bought has made you suspicious, report it to Citizens Advice consumer
service on 03454 04 05 06.
- Buying
online for onward sale online? If you do this you are assuming the
legal responsibilities of a business to ensure that what you’re selling
complies with product safety and intellectual property legislation. More information for importers
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By Simon Cripwell on Dec 03, 2015 09:42 am
are being warned to be extremely wary of any suspicious calls, texts or
emails as fraudsters specifically target the agricultural sector when
EU grant payments begin to arrive in bank accounts month.
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By Simon Cripwell on Nov 30, 2015 01:25 pm
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By Simon Cripwell on Nov 30, 2015 12:57 pm
The data cycle showing
how one person's personal data can be used, passed on and re-used in
ways that people may not expect. The video also gives advice about what
to do to reduce nuisance calls.
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By Simon Cripwell on Nov 30, 2015 12:21 pm
Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service was able to seize over 60 fake and dangerous Maleficent dolls before they reached the shop shelves in time for Christmas.
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