Saturday, 21 February 2015

@SOU - Recent Incidents

Please be aware of the following incidents
Incident 68 - 11/02/15 - A red Honda quad bike was stolen from a barn in Watergall during the night of Tuesday 10th - 11th February 2015.
Incident 109 - 12/02/2015 - A burglary occurred at a farm house in Ladbroke during 9th - 12th February 2015. A television and chainsaw was stolen from the property.
A suspicious incident happened on a farm on Welsh East today, a male was enquiring what was in the containers on a nearby site. The male arrived in a black Mitsubishi Warrior partial vehicle registration M*07 *%%. Please be aware of the above incidents, please report any suspicious vehicles to Warwickshire Police, we are seeing an increase in rural crime.
If you have any information regarding the above incidents please contact Warwickshire Police on 101.
Kind regards
PCSO 6099 Katrina Taylor
Telephone 01926 684984
Mobile 07919 887674
Voicemail 16099

Please access our website for the latest news in the Stratford District and also Southam SNT newsletters. In a non emergency or to report a crime dial 101

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