Sunday, 20 July 2014

@WAR - Superfast Broadband - July Update


Bringing faster broadband to our rural areas

Important Information July 2014

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we need to spread the word!

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Topics in this edition:

New email addresses
Public consultation for the new procurement starting soon

This is a short, additional newsletter to bring you information about two important happenings. The next regular edition will be coming out in the next week or so, from our new email address. See below for more information

New email addresses

We have recently moved to a new CRM (Contacts Relationship Management) system that will enable us to track information more effectively and to ensure that all members of the team have the relevant data to be able to respond to queries quickly. In order for this to work effectively we have had to change the team email addresses as the addresses will not work with the new system.

The new addresses are:


All enquiries

Please ensure that these are enabled in your firewall as we would hate you to miss out on the important announcements that we have coming up.

Public consultation for the new procurement starting soon
We will shortly be starting a formal consultation process as part of the next procurement. More information will follow in the next couple of weeks. The consultation runs for only 4 weeks, and it is not our choice that this should be over the summer period. The timing is determined by our slot in the BDUK procurement timetable and the requirement that the public consultation must close not more than one month prior to the issue of the Invitation to Tender. More information will be given in the regular July newsletter in the next week or so.

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CSW Broadband is a partnership between Warwickshire County Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Coventry City Council, BT and Department for Culture Media & Sport. Logos have been removed to reduce file size for emailing.

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