Friday, 4 April 2014

@WAR - Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Shaping the Future - Consultation Survey

Dear all,

On 6th February 2014 Warwickshire County Council agreed the medium term budget for the next four years. This included a total savings target of around £2.4 million for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service.  The impact of reducing the Fire and Rescue Service budget has informed a review of how we deliver our services. This has given us the opportunity to see how we can:

·         Improve our initial response to life risk emergencies across the county with fewer firefighters (life risk incidents are defined as presenting immediate or high risk threat to human life).
·         Improve the availability of our fire engines.
·         Match the number of fire engines to the changes in demand and risk during different times of the day.
·         Save money.

On March 24th we launched a 12 week period of consultation. This consultation will cover the first two years of a four year plan to achieve the required savings. A two stage approach will allow us to review the changes made in the first two years, and use the outcomes of that review to inform our proposals for stage two of our plan. This will also enable the second stage of the plan to be developed within the next Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2017-2021. 

Stage One: In the first two years (2015 – 2016) of this plan we will propose changes to the way that we use whole-time Firefighters, the way that we spend our money on prevention activity and a review of our strategic management team.

Stage Two: In the final two years (2017 – 2018) of the plan we will propose some further changes which may include a review of the Retained Duty System. A second consultation process will be completed in 2016 for stage two of the plan.

It is within this context that we invite you, as a valued partner, to consider the proposed changes forstage one of our plan and to give us your thoughts and ideas. Please visit our consultation web pages at where we have placed a survey for you to complete and some supporting information including; demand analysis, proposed new response model profile, financial profile and demographics that we have used to develop these proposals.  Your comments and ideas will help us to develop our Integrated Risk Management Action Plans 2013-2017.

David Pemberton
Area Commander – Strategy and Planning
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service
Warwickshire County Council
Internal extn. 3205

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