Monday, 1 July 2013

NAT - The Little Book of BIG Scams

The Little Book of BIG Scams: a comprehensive guide to fraud prevention

The Metropolitan Police Service brings you 'The Little Book of BIG Scams'. It is a comprehensive guide on fraud prevention, explaining some of the most common scams in existence, ranging from the simple to the sophisticated, providing essential advice to reduce the chances of you being parted from your money.

The guide was launched by the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) alongside Esther Rantzen and Gary Fitzgerald, (CEO of Action on Elder Abuse).

MPS Commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe said:
"My officers have seen the devastating effects scams can have on people and their families. This comprehensive guide will go a long way in helping to reduce the number of victims of fraud and will undoubtedly make it harder for the scammers of this world to succeed. There are a number of people out there intent on conning people out of their hard earned money, so I urge people to take caution when confronted with what appears to be a deal of a lifetime, remember if it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

A PDF-version of 'The Little Book of Big Scams' from the Met Police is available here


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