As well as on line Early Years sessions attached on the Virtual Timetable attached, there are also ongoing Local Network Groups(LNGs)via Zoom. If you would like to join any of these below, just use the link attached. Each LNG will be talking about services for children and families in these areas.
Southam – Tuesday 26th May at 1.30pm- 82964094747?pwd= WDNxNndTTjR5M3UxeEVKc2h1UG9qUT 09- Meeting ID: 829 6409 4747- Password: 4RJsVZ
Alcester- Thursday 28th May at 10 am- 83922580058?pwd= RzlNY3U0VEdkeFpqL1kwckplSy9GQT 09 - Meeting ID: 839 2258 0058- Password: 9DfGRV
Stratford –Thursday 4th June at 10 am- 83782369208?pwd= M2lWRkNNZGtOVW1FcU01K3hXdE50dz 09- Meeting ID: 837 8236 9208- Password: 8hT29q