Tuesday, 24 April 2018

@NAT - Holiday fraud: it’s not ‘just’ your money that’s at risk

Unless you’re a criminal, there’s nothing positive about any fraud. But some frauds just seem particularly nasty, and I put holiday fraud in that category. Having your money and/or identity stolen is bad enough – not just the implications of the loss itself, but also what is often weeks and even months of legwork and inconvenience associated in putting things right. 


Wednesday, 18 April 2018

@NAT - National Stalking Awareness Week- Monday 16th April – Friday 20th April 2018

What is National Stalking Awareness Week about?

National Stalking Awareness week is about raising awareness of stalking and the stories behind the statistics. This year Suzy Lamplugh Trust are focusing on increasing reporting levels, encouraging victims to talk about their experiences and access support from police and other statutory and voluntary organisations. We are also calling on support services to make #ReportingStalking a priority in their local area. We know that 73% of stalking victims experience 100 incidents before reporting.

Monday, 16 April 2018

@WAR - Love Instead of Hate - Hate crime conference


Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Police are hosting a community conference called "Love Instead of Hate" on Saturday 16th June 2018 at the Life Church in Bedworth from 10am - 3:30pm.  Our message to local communities in Warwickshire is to celebrate difference, promote cohesion and challenge prejudice and abuse. This is a FREE event and is open to anyone who lives or works in Warwickshire.